Fun Things - Field Trips, Games, Creative Ideas, Putting the Fun in Homeschooling, Tips for Homeschooling Mamas

How to Preserve Vacation Memories on the Cheap

Vacations create memories that last a lifetime. Follow this easy how-to post on how to preserve those memories!

Whether it’s a major vacation, a day trip to a neighboring town, or a field trip to a museum, those are the things we remember. I am a keeper of ticket stubs, pressed pennies, several t-shirts, and a couple of coffee mugs. I am also one of those 80’s kids who collected stickers. Puffy ones, scratch-n-sniff, holographic, and glitter stickers – I loved them all, and kept them in sticker albums. Remember those? I have no idea what ever happened to them, as the sticker-craze faded – along with the other fads of the decade.

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Be a Fanatic, Fun Things - Field Trips, Games, Creative Ideas, Tips for Homeschooling Mamas

Take the Trip!

It is getting late into the summer. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about a last hurrah before school starts or later in the fall. Maybe you’d like to, but not sure you want to spend the money or take the time off from work. Let me tell you to stop overthinking it and TAKE THE TRIP!

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