
February Holidays to Celebrate

Is it me, or has January felt like it has been about 17 days longer than it should be? Maybe it’s the lack of daylight or colder weather that makes it seem longer. Good news, though – It’s now February! I really don’t intend to sound like Debbie Downer, but in the world of homeschooling, February is the month where homeschool burnout is at its peak. I’ve even heard it dubbed the “February Funk”, or just the blahs. Thankfully, there are several fun days to celebrate this month that go beyond just valentines and presidents.

Don’t let the February Funk steal your joy! There are plenty of fun days in February to celebrate! Whether you use the ideas as a brain break, or even create a unit study, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. I’m creating a year long series of round-up styled posts to share the very best websites, books, crafts, recipes, and ideas to go along with several of the days to celebrate. So, grab the free planning page for February halfway down on my homepage, and cue the confetti!

Note that while I won’t be providing an idea for every day or each birthday for the month, I will give you a variety of ideas that compliment several of the days to celebrate. Choose several or just one each week. Have fun with it, and combat that February Funk!

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February Holidays – Week 1

  • 2/1 Take Your Child to the Library Day
  • 2/2 Groundhog Day – My friend over at Schoolin’ Swag has quite a few resources for Groundhog Day, including books, art, and yummy recipes! If nature studies are your thing, check out these 10 nature study activities for Groundhog Day!
  • 2/3 Feed the Birds Day – A fun activity the kids and I enjoyed long ago was a bird beak lab in our curriculum. Bird Beak Buffet is a similar freebie to try! Perky Pet also has many great ideas to celebrate all month! And how awesome is this bird feeder? I want one, but I have outdoor cats. My sister-in-law occasionally sends me pics from hers, and they are spectacular!
  • 2/4 National Homemade Soup Day – what’s your favorite kind of soup? Making homemade soup is a great way for kids to practice their culinary skills. My personal favorite is White Chicken Chili!
  • 2/5 World Read Aloud Day – I can’t say enough about the benefits of reading aloud with your kids, even when they get big! This book left a huge impression on me years ago, and still has a prominent place on my bookshelf.
  • 2/7 National Bubblegum Day
  • 2/7 National Periodic Table Day – Learning is always more fun in the form of a game. I have not played this myself, but Periodic: A Game of the Elements looks to be a unique strategy-type game that blends learning with fun! Another fun activity for everyone is puzzles. Our family enjoyed this one from PaperPie, and, like all of them, it comes with a book! One reviewer, who happens to be a professor, said they had never learned so much while building a jigsaw!

February Holidays – Week 2

  • 2/9 National Pizza Day
  • 2/10 National Flannel Day
  • 2/11 National Inventor’s Day – A fun and frugal idea is an invention bin that can be used with multiple ages. All you need is a simple bin with odds and ends such as paperclips, clothespins, twist ties, string… you know, junk drawer things. When given random open-ended items, kids invent amazing creations! For a unit study that lasts several weeks, you might want to check out Inventions and Ideas from Gather ‘Round Homeschool. That curriculum wasn’t yet available for most of our homeschooling years, but I’ve heard good things about it. Last, I highly recommend Usborne’s Story of Inventions. It has been a customer favorite for over 15 years!
  • 2/14 Valentine’s Day – There are tons of activities out there, but no need to weed through it all! Fields of Daisies has all the bases covered when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day!
  • 2/14 Read to Your Child Day (just in case someone needs a reminder)

February Holidays – Week 3

  • 2/16 World Whale Day
  • 2/17 Random Acts of Kindness Day – Hide sticky notes with a positive message in random places, leave a book with a note in Little Free Libraries, or simply smile at someone. Remember, kindness is contagious!
  • 2/17 President’s Day – Check out these last-minute ideas from Homeschool Hideout!
  • 2/18 Pluto Day
  • 2/20 Love Your Pet Day
  • 2/20 Clean Out Your Bookcase Day
  • 2/20 Hoodie Hoo Day – marks the end of winter and the start of spring. It involves people going outside at noon and shouting “Hoodie Hoo!” while waving their hands in the air. You can make a lot of noise, wear funny hats, and wave things in the air that remind you of spring!

February Holidays – Week 4

  • 2/24 National Tortilla Chip Day – Sometime ago, I purchased this game with good intentions. Today may just be the day to try it!
  • 2/26 Tell a Fairy Tale Day – PaperPie for the win when it comes to fairy tales! They have the most beautiful fairy tale books – the ones that you keep and pass on to the grandkids kind of beautiful. I have a few favorites: Muddle & Match Fairy Tales, Nibbles, Fairy Tales for Little Children, and Forgotten Fairy Tales of Brave and Brilliant Girls. Kids can even create their own fairy tale with Magical Adventure. It includes stand-up scenes and characters, and a story-starter book with fun prompts! Your teens may like Lessons with Grimm. Wouldn’t it be awesome to learn how to write fairy tales from the greats?
  • 2/27 International Polar Bear Day – Fun craft alert! Fork Painted Polar Bear it’s the cutest! Another crafty idea is to whittle a polar bear from a bar of soap. My friend at The Secret Life of Homeschoolers has a great soap carving post!
  • 2/27 Retro Day
  • 2/27 Digital Learning Day

February Birthdays

Birthdays are special and worth celebrating, even when it’s for someone who lived log ago. This month, we’ve got a couple of greats in the world of sports, so go outside and shoot some hoops like Michael Jordan, or swing a bat like you’re Babe Ruth! Make a February weather chart that would make John Jeffries proud! Read a Dickens classic, or a tale or two from the Grimm Brothers. Go out and buy a new pair of Levi’s, or donate a pair of outgrown Levi’s. I love the Who Was series, and the Lives Of series to learn more about a notable person, and of course the local library!

That’s a wrap for February Holidays to Celebrate! I hope this adds a colorful handful of confetti to your homeschooling day. I love to hear from my readers! Which days are you planning to celebrate? Don’t forget to grab the free holiday planning printable half way down the home page for a limited time!

I love to share things from my fellow homeschool bloggers, so if you’ve written something yourself or come across something that would be beneficial to this holiday series, let me know!

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