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Boost Your Child’s Learning: Homeschooling With Stickers

Maybe it’s the nostalgia of growing up in the 80’s, but I’m happy to see stickers making a comeback! They decorate water bottles, laptops, phones, and more. None of those things even existed when stickers were all the craze in the 80’s. We collected them in an album and traded them with friends. Ahhhh, the simple pleasures of an 80’s kid. Four decades later, I never thought I’d be writing about stickers….especially homeschooling with stickers!

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Benefits of Stickers

A few years ago, I saw an infographic listing the benefits of stickers, and “just plain cool” wasn’t on the list. Seriously, check out the benefits:

  • Develops fine motor skills like strengthening the pincer grasp of little fingers
  • Improves bilateral & hand-eye coordination
  • Promotes cognitive development & spacial awareness
  • Fosters language skills
  • Boosts creativity
  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Aids in problem solving
  • Encourages independence
  • Provides a sense of calm and relaxation
  • Overall fun, rewarding, inexpensive, portable

I have to admit, I never thought something as simple stickers would have so many benefits that will later help your child hold a pencil, draw a picture, tie their shoes, play an instrument, climb a ladder…..drive a car! Yes, time really does go that fast!

Homeschooling with stickers

From reward charts to providing positive feedback on assignments, stickers boost motivation and learning, no matter the age. In case you’re wondering, yes, I put stars and happy faces on my teenager’s completed assignments. There are already several ideas all over the internet about stickers and learning, so I want to tell you about the often overlooked, hidden gems that PaperPie has to offer, as well as other favorites that are awesome for homeschooling. Stick with me, there’s quite a few! (See what I did there?)

PaperPie Favorites

Little Stickers Series/First Stickers: This fantastic series is designed for little fingers! The stickers are repositionable (meaning the book pages are slick, which makes moving a sticker easier. However, this does not mean the stickers are reusable over and over). My top picks are:

Reusable Sticker Books

These interactive sticker books feature charming characters who need your help! Little readers can enhance their motor skills and reuse these stickers over and over again, by simply rinsing the stickers in cool water. Titles in this series include: All Better, LIttle Bear Needs Glasses, Good as New, Hats Off!, Time to Brush, Kisses Cuddles and Good Night, and It’s Christmastime.

Sticker Facts

This is one of my favorite series! These Sticker Facts books are brightly colored and contain 100 stickers to help make learning fun! With the addition of a few books from the library, these would make a great addition to a unit study!

Available titles in the series

Bear Grylls Activity Books

These activity books are full of fun facts, quizzes, word searches, mazes, lots of tips from Bear Grylls, and more than 60 stickers! Whether it’s cold-blooded creatures, wild animals, or those that live under the sea, this series is sure to delight any adventurer! I love that many of the stickers are photographs. The books are so educational, I would totally use them as a science unit for elementary- age kids.

Sticker Life Stories – these are new, and look to be terrific with kids in upper elementary, and perhaps even middle school. The included stickers help tell and uncover the real-life stories of some of the world’s most inspiring people!

Other Favorites

A few more sticker books to use in your homeschool that I love:

Stuck on Stickers

If I knew then, what I know now about homeschooling, (and stickers) I would have used many more sticker books in our homeschool! Change things up, ditch the worksheets, textbooks, and especially the computers for awhile, and enjoy learning with something as simple as a sticker. I’ll leave you with some fun sticker facts to pass on to your kiddos!

  • The modern version of stickers were released in 1935 by R. Stanton Avery
  • The first bumper sticker was created in 1946 to advertise Rocky Mountain’s Rocky City.
  • The stickers on fruits and veggies in the grocery are edible and FDA-approved.
  • The largest collection of stickers belongs to Nidhi Bansal of India: 102,317 stickers.
  • The world’s largest sticker ball is Saul the Sticker Ball, weighing 231 lb 9.6 oz and made up of over 200,000 stickers.

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