Our Homeschool Curriculum/Mid Year Check Ins

Eleventh Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2020-2021

The light at the end of the tunnel is almost blinding! Can we please slow this train down, just a little? This sweet girl of mine is now 16, a great helper, obedient, and easy-going. She has not narrowed down what she wants to do post-high school yet, and that’s okay. I don’t think I decided until right around the time I graduated high school myself. I am looking forward to watching her focus on some of her interests, and seeing where it goes this year. Homeschooling high school is not scary. In fact, it’s pretty liberating to have freedom to provide a customized education that prepares them for whatever path they choose.

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11th Grade Curriculum Choices

Math – BJU Consumer Math. I wanted to take consumer math over 25 years ago, but my guidance counselor thought it would be more beneficial for me to sit in study hall with a couple of hoodlums my senior year. To this day, I still do not understand why I was not allowed to take a class that would have probably benefited me far more than the others. Well, it looks like I will finally get my chance with consumer math after all! I’m slightly nervous about teaching this one. My daughter has taken online only math courses since the fourth grade, and this course does not offer that option.

Science – Apologia Marine Biology. She is really looking forward to this one. I’m usually in the minority when it comes to being a huge fan of Apologia, but this is something she requested. Living on the coast provides fantastic hands-on learning. I’m hoping Covid-19 doesn’t continue to keep our local aquariums and museums closed much longer!

History – All American History II. We completed all but the last unit of the first volume last year, so we will pick up where we left off. I use this with both kids. Picking up in the mid-1800’s to the 21st century, I can’t wait to examine all the big events!

English – The Giggly Guide to Grammar. I purchased this years ago at a homeschool convention, and have had it tucked away for some time. Despite the title, it was actually more meaty than what I was looking for when I originally purchased it. I knew the timing was right this year to put it to use. We have done formal grammar for years and years. It’s time to revisit all those grammar rules in a lighter, more humorous way. And who couldn’t use some humor this year? I will be using this with both kids.

Bible – She will continue with GSB (Grace School of the Bible). We are both enrolled in the three year course. It is an intensive study of the English Bible according to the method set forth in II Timothy 2:15.

ElectiveIntroduction to Graphic Design – I’ve noticed the eye for detail she has, and her interest in graphic design over the summer. SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers what looks to be a fun course that will help her develop her skills in the world of graphic design.

That only leaves…..

Reading and writing! I have not made any final decision on what we will be reading, although I have a few ideas. I may try a couple of units from Progeny Press to go with what we’re reading. As far as writing, I decided that whatever I choose, both kids will use the same thing. They are close enough in age and abilities, so why make more work for myself? I am awaiting the new Institute for Excellence in Writing Level C to review for the Review Crew. They sent a sneak peek in the summer, but I need to see more before I make a final decision. I also have my eye on Writeshop. It may be mid-September before I finally decide. By then, we will (hopefully) have a good schedule and groove going, so it will not be a problem add in a writing course.

That’s our plan, and we may or may not be sticking to it! Check back with me in late January when I write our mid-year check in! I will also be showing off our Lunch Crate next week that will add a few fun extras to our school day. As always, I have carefully, purposefully, and prayerfully planned our days as the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter.

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